Is It Safe to Do Yoga After a Tummy Tuck?

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There’s a reason that tummy tuck surgery (abdominoplasty) is one of the most effective and transformative cosmetic surgical procedures available to men and women. 

Not only can this procedure get rid of sagging skin around your midsection, but fat can be removed and your abdominal muscles tightened to give you a stronger, more toned look and feel. 

Attractive woman stretching her arm while sitting on a yoga mat.

All you have to do is look at the results to know just how beneficial this procedure can be and why some of our favorite celebrities have undergone tummy tuck surgery

However, while this procedure achieves stunning results, the simple reality is that a tummy tuck is an invasive procedure that requires anesthesia and internal sutures

Because of this, it is important to be careful during your tummy tuck recovery period, which includes knowing what kinds of exercises are good and which can be harmful when performed too soon. 

What Do You Need to Know About Yoga After a Tummy Tuck?

Yoga stretches are a part of many men and women’s normal exercise routines. And there’s no disputing that yoga is one of the very best practices you can do for your physical and emotional health

These stretching exercises are known to strengthen, tighten, tone, and firm your contours; however, as with other forms of exercise, certain yoga poses can be a case of “too much, too soon” after tummy tuck surgery. That is because many yoga stretches require you to bend deeply (at the waist), which places unneeded stress on your incisions and internal muscles

This is not to say that you should never do yoga after having a tummy tuck, nor is this saying that you shouldn’t do any stretching during your recovery period. 

Rather, it simply means that you need to be smart with the physical choices you make during this time.

Which Yoga Stretches Can Be Harmful After a Tummy Tuck?

One of the most important post-surgical instructions that you will get for your abdominoplasty procedure is that it is important to not push your body too much. Instead, you want to allow your body to heal itself. 

If you practice yoga, then you know that there are numerous stretches and positions, each with varying levels of difficulty and requiring differing levels of flexibility. While some (very gentle) stretching is good and even encouraged during your tummy tuck recovery, anything that requires any form of bending at the waist should be avoided until you are fully recovered. Even seemingly simple stretches like the Standard Forward Bend should be avoided, not to mention some of the more advanced positions. 

What Are Some of the Best Things to Do During Your Tummy Tuck Recovery?

Just because you should avoid performing full yoga stretching until after you are completely recovered from your tummy tuck procedure doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be active or stretch during your recovery. 

In fact, it is important that you remain active as you recover, since this helps you recover faster and can improve your final tummy tuck results

During the first two weeks of your recovery, it is important that you allow your body as much rest as it needs. In truth, the most physical activity that you should be doing during this period is sitting up, standing, and taking extremely short and slow walks. 

However, after the third week, many patients are able to start pushing their bodies a bit more. Walking longer distances at a quicker speed and doing light stretches with the arms and legs can help promote circulation in the body, which only helps your body heal better. 

Additionally, some of the breathing exercises (Pranayama) promoted during yoga can help your recovery. Deep breathing exercises promote blood circulation and can purify the body (and mind).

Whatever activity you choose to perform after your tummy tuck, the most important thing to remember is to listen to your body. Through pain and discomfort, your body will let you know which exercises are safe and which ones you should hold off on until you are fully recovered. 

Additionally, by following Dr. Davison’s and Dr. Pinell’s post-op instructions, you will be able to get your body healed so that you can resume the normal, daily activities (like yoga) that you love!

Interested in Learning More About Tummy Tuck Surgery?

If you have questions about tummy tuck surgery, tummy tuck recovery, or any of the other plastic surgery procedures we offer at DAVinci Plastic Surgery, then give us a call at 202-966-9590 or fill out our online contact form to schedule your consultation.

Schedule Your Consultation at DAVinci Plastic Surgery

The initial consultation with your surgeon is critical! It should always be face to face with your surgeon, during which time he/she listens closely to your concerns. Dr. Davison and Dr. Pinell believe this time spent with you is critical to both you and him/her. It is during the consultation that your surgeon comes to fully understand your concerns, evaluates them correctly, and is then able to make the recommendations and develop the treatment plan that is right for you. Dr. Davison and Dr. Pinell invest the time to sit down and talk to you face to face.

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