The Chin is in…Chin Augmentations by Dr. Steven Davison


Chin augmentation is currently the most “in demand” anti aging cosmetic procedure being done today.  Among all demographics, it is the fastest growing trend according to recent survey results from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.

Here are the numbers:

– Chin augmentations increased overall by 71% in 2011

– Chin augmentation outranked breast procedures in 2011

– Men of all ages – 76% increase

– Ages (both genders) 40 to 54 – 77% increase

– Ages 55 & over – 70% increase in Chin augmentations

– These numbers were in comparison to lip augmentation, breast augmentation and cheek implants, clearly showing that people saw the need to correct aging in the lower 1/3 of the face.  Chin Augmentation restores the neck and chin to a more youthful appearance by reducing the sagging jawline, often with a chin implant and correcting the neck issues.

So what’s the reason for this dramatic change?  Surveys also revealed that as more and more people are chatting online with camera’s rolling…they see the receding chin and sagging jawline since it shows facial aging very early.

Baby Boomers especially, are showing up in aesthetic surgeons offices seeking ways to turn back the clock with Chin augmentation or a combination of age defying options.

Concerns over their careers prompt many to have combination treatments such as Botox and liposuction, while others choose chin implants and neck lifts…or all of it.

Cameras don’t lie! The more time people spend in front of cameras on their PC’s…the more we see them asking me to take years off their face,  to explain chin augmentations, facelifts, injectable facelifts, Botox, liposuction & sculpting of the chin/neck to restore its youthfulness…and much more.  Read more about these:

Chin Augmentation is in…but I also have many other tools in my tool chest.

Got concerns about facial aging?  Let’s talk.  There are many non surgical options we can explore so that you can be happy with your camera look.

Next blog will overview facial aging and the chin and neck…and how chin augmentation takes years off the face.

Dr. Steven Davison

At DAVinci…I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.

Schedule Your Consultation at DAVinci Plastic Surgery

The initial consultation with your surgeon is critical! It should always be face to face with your surgeon, during which time he/she listens closely to your concerns. Dr. Davison and Dr. Pinell believe this time spent with you is critical to both you and him/her. It is during the consultation that your surgeon comes to fully understand your concerns, evaluates them correctly, and is then able to make the recommendations and develop the treatment plan that is right for you. Dr. Davison and Dr. Pinell invest the time to sit down and talk to you face to face.

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