Sneaky Facial Features That Tattle Your Age

As the saying goes, “the squeaky wheel gets the grease,” so it also follows that the most prominent facial features demonstrating the signs of aging will get the fillers and Botox. Most people don’t have a hard time seeing the effects of aging on prominent features like the forehead, eyes and mouth area. However, there are areas from the neck up that are more subtle yet have an impact on the youthful harmony of the face. It takes a trained eye to spot these sneaky features that tattle your age if they’re not addressed along with the more noticeable features. I will bring those to your attention here.


While the creases and crow’s feet around the eyes scream for attention, the timid temples often go unnoticed in their affect on facial youthful harmony. The temple is defined as the area on the outside of each eye towards the hairline, stretching from the top of the cheekbone to the lower edge of the brow bone. This area is not exempt from the volume loss that occurs with age.

As a matter of fact, the temples are an area accentuated by the volume loss and the hollowing of the temples makes the whole eye area look aged and tired. Filling in this shadowy region helps to rejuvenate the eye and upper face. When only other upper face issues are treated something can look “off” or still aged about your face. If you haven’t been able to put a finger on it, it just might be your temples.


One of the features that sees a lot of adornment, but not attention are the earlobes. They’re draped with earrings from childhood and not a thought comes their way when considering the youth enhancing effects of fillers. However, earlobes show their age too, just like the face and neck. Gravity and pulling from earrings over the years will take their toll on the lobes. When they get thin, droopy, and wrinkly, earlobes really stand out against a face that has received treatments to be smooth, firm and full. So don’t forget about your little cartilage earring carriers and show them some injectable filler attention.


A smooth, well defined jawline and chin can lose its shape over the years by facial volume and skin being redirected downward due to gravity and loss of elasticity. While a lot of attention is given to addressing the jowls and jawline, the chin plays an important role in facial contour, too. It helps give the face its shape and balances other facial features. Using injectable fillers to correct chin volume loss or underprojection due to genetics will enhance youthful appearance, the overall facial harmony and balance.

While dominant facial features attract a lot of attention, we can disregard the subtle yet crucial effects these minor features have on the overall youthfulness of the face. Don’t let the sneaky features like the temples, earlobes and chin tattle on your age. Schedule your consultation today at to address these subtle changes to enhance the overall youthful harmony of your face.

Steven Davison M.D.

Board Certified Plastic/Reconstructive Surgeon

Schedule Your Consultation at DAVinci Plastic Surgery

The initial consultation with your surgeon is critical! It should always be face to face with your surgeon, during which time he/she listens closely to your concerns. Dr. Davison and Dr. Pinell believe this time spent with you is critical to both you and him/her. It is during the consultation that your surgeon comes to fully understand your concerns, evaluates them correctly, and is then able to make the recommendations and develop the treatment plan that is right for you. Dr. Davison and Dr. Pinell invest the time to sit down and talk to you face to face.

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