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Solving the Problem of Gynecomastia for Men

One of the least desirable features for a man would be male breasts, medically called Gynecomastia. Men may not have as much social pressure related to their appearance. However, in the case of Gynecomastia, it often contributes to self esteem issues and a lower self perception of masculinity because of the femininity associated with breasts.


The cause of Gynecomastia can be a result of genetics, developing more readily in some men that others, as well as earlier on in life. It is a hormone related issue. As a matter of fact, more than half of male babies are born with enlarged breast tissue because of exposure to their mother’s estrogen in utero, even though they subside within 2 to 3 weeks. It often appears due to the hormone changes of puberty, but in most cases subsides by the age of 20.

Medications and medical conditions can also be a culprit of Gynecomastia. Particularly any medications with human growth hormones, as well as some medications used to treat ulcers, and depression. Gynecomastia can be induced by medical conditions related to poor testicular hormone production, impaired liver, Klinefelter’s Syndrom and Gilbert’s Syndrome. Medical and recreational marijuana can also be a reason.

Some herbal products can also increase estrogen and decrease androgen. Bisphenol A, which is in some kinds of plastics increases estrogen, and many sources of non organic animal products contain a cocktail of hormones that transfer to humans through consumption and throw off the balance of hormones.

Another cause of a kind of Gynecomastia, officially called pseudogynecomastia, is carrying extra body fat that is deposited in the breast tissue. Exercising to build muscle in the chest can define the chest shape and get rid of the fat accumulation, but if there is extra breast tissue present or stretched skin, that will remain and continue to have a breast like appearance.

It’s Common

With all the potential causes of Gynecomastia, you can imagine that more men deal with it than you realize. Actually, about 50 percent of men have it to some degree, so if you’re struggling with this, you are not alone. It is a struggle for many men, and there’s no reason to be ashamed because it doesn’t make you any less of a man. If you have Gynecomastia, and you want to have masculine confidence about your chest area, there is a surgical option to sculpt the upper body.

Male Breast Reduction Surgery

Contour the chest area with Male Breast Reduction Surgery, which removes excess skin, fat and glandular tissue. As with any face or body shaping procedure, it takes great technical and artistic skill to create the desired outcome within the balance of the body as a whole. After an inconspicuous incision is made in the armpit or areola, the tissue will be removed, as well as liposuction of any fat, and then the resculpted tissue and muscle will be draped in a way to form a masculine pectoral.

Finally feel comfortable with your shirt off. Schedule a consultation today at www.davinciplastic.com.

Steven Davison M.D.

Board Certified Plastic/Reconstructive Surgeon

Men Are Getting Cosmetic Procedures in 2017

More men are seeking enhancements than ever before.  
Their perspective on it has changed and they believe cosmetic surgery creates a competitive career edge… and is a confidence booster. Also, men today see plastic surgery and non invasive cosmetic treatments as part of their regular health care routine, like going to the gym or eating healthy.

Botox for Bro’s = Brotox
Botox for men has been coined  -“Brotox.” Brotox can reshape a tired or gruff appearance into a more friendly, rested look. Men also like this because there is no down time – so no productivity loss. Brotox is often done in our office during a lunch break or in between meetings. Also, Brotox allows for gradual minor – subtle changes. Men love being told that they look more rested, happier or healthier…and no one but you knows why!

Move Over– Mommy Makeovers — Here Comes Daddy Do Overs
The most recent years have seen big increase in “Mommy Makeovers” to help women get their pre- baby body back. It’s a well deserved group of rejuvenation procedures for women who have sacrificed physically and emotionally for their their family. Yes, The effects are different for men, but raising kids takes its toll on men’s bodies too. So …They want to look and feel younger and have many more years to enjoy their children and grandchildren. This is also why more men are choosing to get “Daddy Do Over” surgeries as part of their health routine.

More Popular Procedures for Men…

  • Along with Brotox, Injectables like Juvederm are popular because they don’t require down time.
  • They minimize deep forehead creases, crow’s feet or nasolabial folds.
  • They can also fill in pock marks that give the skin a smoother appearance.

Blepharoplasty reduces hooded eyelids, bulging under eyelids that can age and impede vision. This rejuvenates the upper and lower eyelids to rejuvenate a tired or gruff appearance.

Male Breast Reduction corrects the gynecomastia (male breasts) to sculpt their upper body and help restore their feeling of masculinity.

Men want that masculine “V” shaped torso again, which can be restored with Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck) to remove fat and extra skin or Liposuction to remove fat.

Through roughhousing and sports, guys are more likely to have their nose broken, which affects the appearance, and ability to breathe. Rhinoplasty restores the appearance and breathing caused by blocked nasal passages.


Men still desire a strong chin as a sign of masculinity, which can be accomplished by a Chin Augmentation with implants or Injectable Fillers. Also a double chin can be removed with Liposuction or Kybella.


Men, let’s talk about what I can do to help you with confidence, performance and satisfaction with your appearance and physique.

Steven Davison M.D.

Board Certified Plastic/Reconstructive Surgeon


















There will be lots of picture taking at lots of social events and they will most likely end up on “social media.”  So….we all want to put our “best face forward” for those poses.  I offer a brief, few tips for great photos:

  1. The Perfect Pout – this requires bright pearly white teeth and “plush lips.”  Juvederm is the most popular way to get that perfect pout with well shaped, lush lips.  Let’s talk soon!
  2. Eyes Youthful and Bright… You’ve heard it said that you should smile with your eyes.  And if you’ve got some crow’s feet and forehead wrinkles, you can take years off your eyes with a little BOTOX.
  3. Your forehead is part of your “T zone” and can often look shiny in pictures. Remember to always apply a light dusting of translucent powder to keep away the shine.
  4. Do Away with the Double Chin…
One of the most common picture blunders.
    Use injectables like VOLUMA to restore volume and contour to the chin area.
  5. You can also trick the camera into slimming down your face …  slightly tilt your head down and angle your chin out just a little bit. This gives the perception of a sharper jaw line and higher cheekbones.

6.  The Three “P’s” of Pictures: Position, Posture and Pose…
Position yourself in the middle of a group photo. The people on the end always look bigger.
Good posture makes you look thinner and your stomach flatter. Simply stand up straight, lengthen your neck, roll your shoulders back, and lift up your chest. Pose in a natural, slimming position by resting your weight on one leg. Rest your hand on the hip with shoulder and elbow pointed back or allow your hands to fall naturally at your side while slightly lifting your elbow back and away from your body.

Looking forward to an outstanding 2017….Best Wishes to You and Yours!

Steven Davison  M.D.








Cosmetic Beauty Trends for 2017


Good Bye 2016… Hello Hottest Rejuvenating Trends in 2017

The New Year will be upon us in just a couple of days.  So, Happy New Year….2017.

I’m constantly being asked this time of year….what’s new…what will be the latest greatest in 2017?  So here is a brief look at the hottest trends…some are old but still in high demand…others are new and worth a good look at.

Breast implants and liposuction are on top of the list as “the most requested procedures.”  A few trendy treatments becomes popular in 2016 and will gather more momentum in 2017.

Brazilian Butt Lift has increased in demand as more women want curvaceous figures and need help with the buttocks!

Vectra Breast Imaging allows women to design a breast outcome that suits them best.  Vectra has quickly become in high demand among our clientele.

Vaser Lipo Suction uses tiny incisions to allow for fat removal after it has been broken up.  Liposuction has comes a long, long way!.

Our culture shapes the desires for “what is beautiful”… and technology makes these dreams a reality through innovation and affordability.  Here we go:

Non Surgical Fat Removal
Kybella was introduced in 2015 and gained a momentous following. As word has spread about the benefits of Kybella, 2017 is going to be an even bigger year for this non surgical – fat reducing procedure. Who wouldn’t want to melt away a double chin  without the downtime or discomfort of surgery? Less invasive procedures will continue trending which makes Kybella appealing.

Injectables for Millennials
No downtime and minimal recovery with injectables is also enticing scores of millennials into the world of cosmetic treatments. Millennials are a very busy population – with full social calendars … so making time for surgery and recovery is a real challenge. Also, Millennials grew up in the dawn and dominance of social media. It’s no wonder that media like Facebook and Instagram spur on more and more of an image conscious population. With their image sent out to hundreds of people on a daily basis, they have to make sure they look good.

Millennials are including injectables, like Botox and Juvederm, in their age prevention and health care regimen. So, while prevention is very good, know that it is just as important to only trust your face to an experienced, knowledgeable practitioner. Injectables, if not done correctly, can give an over “done” appearance… which can make you look older. The overdone look of over filled lips or paralyzed forehead (e.g. for someone in their 20s or 30s) can cause distortion or the perception of an aged face….defeating your goal of trying to look younger.

Rise in FemGen
The sexual revolution of plastic surgery includes an increased female interest in Labiaplasty surgeries to improve aesthetics, comfort and sexual pleasure.  It  can minimize stretched, imbalanced or interferingly large labia… increasing comfort and pleasure during sex, eliminates embarrassment/ discomfort from tight workout clothes or bathing suits.  These changes come from aging, childbearing years and genetics.

More Men
It’s definitely become obvious that most men aren’t embarrassed today about getting cosmetic procedures either. They see  plastic surgery and non invasive cosmetic treatments as part of their regular health care routine and to keep their competitive edge in the work place. Brotox means that a tired or gruff appearance can be shaped into a more pleasant, happy, rested look, and is often done in our office during a lunch break. No missed work, no major change, just a tweak to improve confidence and perception that can pay dividends in work performance, self confidence…and simply because more and more men today want to stay younger and healthier looking as long as possible!

These treatments can help you reach your goals for looking and feeling great about yourself during 2017. If you’d like to take advantage of any of these rejuvenation trends, schedule a consultation at www.davinciplastic.com.

Steven Davison M.D.

Board Certified Plastic/Reconstructive Surgeon

















Bikini Ready with Tummy Tuck

Spring is rushing by quickly and thosefun in the sun” summer, poolside, family picnic, skimpy dress and beach wear days are almost here.  Many of my patients are requesting those body sculpting treatments to help them look slimmer, fitter and younger.  Liposuction is at the top of the list but when that isn’t enough to sculpt that tummy area…Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) is the answer my patients (especially new mommies) choose to create that desired beach body/poolside look. This is safe, effective and achieves long lasting results.

THE ABS THAT NO AMOUNT OF CRUNCHES WILL FIX Realistically, the stretched skin has to go somewhere and sometimes the extra tummy bulge isn’t just from the stubborn baby fat that won’t go away. Sometimes the tummy bulge is a result of a hernia or loose abdomen muscles that separated during the time of extra stress, called diastasis recti. Unfortunately, no matter how much you work out and even get back to your pre baby weight, if you’re abdomen muscles have been torn, the belly won’t be able to go back to being flat.

TUMMY TUCK TO THE RESCUE…Ideally, a patient who’d like a tummy tuck, aka abdominoplasty, is in great shape and just needs a little help with that small bulge that won’t go away, whether it’s a little fat, loose skin or from diastasis recti. Even if you’re not completely toned, a tummy tuck is that perfect boost to get you over the hump of achieving a flat stomach, especially if you’re within 10 pounds of your ideal weight. Moms sacrifice so much of themselves to bear, birth and bring up children that a tummy tuck is a well deserved confidence builder to have a stomach they’re not ashamed of.

WE WON’T LEAVE OUT THE BELLY BUTTON… Also, if the belly button got stretched out during pregnancy weight gain, a belly button repair is a simple revision to add to a tummy tuck. It is sometimes even necessary, depending on how much loose skin will be removed during the tuck. This will give the belly button an ideal shape and position on the abdomen.

TUMMY TUCK IS NOT ONE SIZE FITS ALL… Depending on your body’s unique needs, there are a variety of abdominoplasty techniques to help you achieve your ideal abdomen. They will address the skin, fat and muscles in the stomach area to contour for your unique physique. Your health, the technique and extent of the surgery will also determine whether the recover is 1 to 4 weeks, but either way there will be a recovery period.

TUMMY TUCK GIVES YOU THE FLAT, BIKINI READY ABS…the “fun in the sun” body you want back.  Let’s talk soon!

Steven Davison M.D.

Board Certified Plastic/Reconstructive Surgeon


Medical Tourism…What You Should Know Before You Go…

Medical Tourism is a big issue today in the world of cosmetic surgery. Even though it is a very popular trend – it indeed raises a lot of questions and concerns. Here I’ll discuss some of the pros and cons of getting your cosmetic surgery done in a country or area -other than – where you predominantly live.

  1. What is Medical Tourism?
    “Medical tourism” involves traveling to a “destination” for medical care. Cosmetic surgery is one of the top medical procedures today, along side dentistry and heart surgery – for which people travel globally to have their procedures done. Some of the positive reasons someone would consider traveling for a major medical procedure are:
  2. Getting a cheaper price… often the main motivating factor
    Going back home… resident immigrants travel back to their homeland for a medical procedure – due to familiarity with the system or the government subsidizing the medical care for its citizens.
  3. Specialty doctor or facility… choosing a particular doctor who specializes in a procedure – or a facility that offers resort style recovery accommodations.
  4. Being near family… Family can help care for the patient during recovery. When they lives a great distance away, and family can’t travel to the patient – often the patient travels to them.
  5. Surgery vacation… There is the perception that a vacation can be combined with the recovery process, so a surgeon is chosen based on the appeal of their location – as a destination vacation spot.

What are the risks of Medical Tourism?
While the benefits can sound appealing, there are serious risks that need to be considered. There are risks specific to certain areas of the world and the particular procedures performed there, but these are some of the general issues:

Language barrier and cultural expectations… can cause miscommunication. In my practice our communication during the consultation is crucial to get an accurate feel for what my patients want and for me to manage expectations. If you and your doctor don’t speak the same language – fluently, this significantly increases the chances of misunderstandings about the care, surgical expectations, and recovery. It can also be very frustrating and scary if complications occur.
Less oversight and stringency of medical standards… The medical industry isn’t well scrutinized in some countries. For example, disease transmission is a concern if doctors reuse needles between patients or have other unsanitary injection practices. Also, medications may be poor quality, old or even counterfeit.
Medical care during complications… If a complication arises requiring a blood transfusion, the blood supply in some countries comes primarily from paid donors – who may not be thoroughly screened. This puts patients at a higher risk for HIV or other blood transmitted diseases.
Rushing recovery… Some surgeries require weeks of recovery. Traveling can be difficult and stressful and it’s not wise to do so within the first weeks after an operation – since it can ruin the cosmetic surgery, disrupt recovery and cause complications. Also, travel by air after surgery increases the risk for blood clots.

It is so important to consider all things when deciding to whom you will trust your face and body. Please consider speaking to a Board Certified, highly credentialed and experienced surgeon like myself. To schedule a consultation, please visit our newly updated website www.davinciplastic.com.

Steven Davison, M.D.

Board Certified Plastic/Reconstructive Surgeon








Good Bye 2015… Hello Hottest Rejuvenating Trends for 2016

Happy New Year! While breast implants and liposuction are steadily on top of the list for most requested procedures, some trendy treatments gained in popularity during 2015 and are sure to grow more in 2016. Our culture helps to shape the desires for what is considered beautiful… and technology is offering more innovative options than ever.  These are the trends to look for in 2016:

Non Surgical Fat Removal
Kybella was introduced to the mainstream in 2015 and immediately gained a momentous following. As word has spread about the benefits of Kybella, 2016 is going to be an even bigger year for this non surgical fat reducing procedure. Who wouldn’t want to melt the double chin away without having the downtime or discomfort of surgery? Less invasive procedures will continue trending in 2016 making Kybella a winner.

Injectables for Millennials
No downtime, minimal recovery injectables steadily entice millennials into the world of cosmetic treatments. Millennials are very busy with full social calendars … so making time for surgery/recovery is challenging. Millennials grew up during the dawn and dominance of social media. It’s no wonder that Facebook and Instagram spur on more and more of an image conscious population. With their image sent out to hundreds of people everyday… they, simply put, want to look good.

Millennials are including injectables, like Botox and Juvederm, in their anti aging, routine health care regimen. So, while prevention is very good, know that it is just as important to only trust your face to an experienced, knowledgeable practitioner. Injectables, if not done correctly, can give an over “done” appearance… making you look older. This overdone look, such as over filled lips or paralyzed forehead (e.g. for someone in their 20s or 30s) can cause distortion or the perception of an aged face thus defeating your goal of trying to look younger.

Rise in the FemGen Rejuvenation Trend
The sexual revolution of plastic surgery includes an increased interest in surgeries to improve aesthetics, comfort and sexual pleasure of the female genitalia. Growing in popularity is Labiaplasty, which can minimize stretched, imbalanced or interferingly large labia. This can increase comfort and pleasure during sex, as well as eliminate embarrassment or discomfort when wearing tight workout clothes or bathing suits. Commonly desired after the changes that come from aging and the childbearing years, genetics also plays a part in the appearance and function of the FemGen area. While the topic is still a sensitive one, ( to be handled with care and confidentiality), fortunately, there’s no embarrassment these days about the surgeries that can help you feel confident about what you look like “down there.”

With A steady increase in male clientele, it’s definitely safe to say that most men aren’t feeling embarrassed about getting cosmetic procedures either. They’re viewing plastic surgery and non invasive cosmetic treatments as a normal way to keep their competitive edge in the work place. The rise of Brotox means that a tired or gruff appearance can be shaped into a more pleasant, happy, rested look, and is often done in our office during a lunch break. No missed work, no major change, just a tweak to improve confidence and perception that can pay dividends in work performance, self confidence…and simply because more men today want to stay younger and healthier looking as long as possible!

These treatments can help you reach your goals for looking and feeling great about yourself during 2016. If you’d like to take advantage of any of these rejuvenation trends, schedule a consultation at www.davinciplastic.com.

Steven Davison M.D.

Board Certified Plastic/Reconstructive Surgeon



Scarf Season…Refined Chin…The Perfect Time for Kybella

The season is here for sweaters and scarves. This is the perfect time of year for neck rejuvenation… since it’s easy to comfortably cover and conceal. This is why I recommend that my patients, who want to get rid of their double chin, schedule KYBELLA treatments… especially during the fall and winter months… even during the holidays, since there’s no downtime.

What is KYBELLA?
KYBELLA is a deoxycholic acid injection that is the first and only FDA approved injectable treatment to melt away the fat under the chin. It noticeably contours and minimizes the appearance of the “double chin” without surgery. Since it is just a series of injections, it doesn’t require any incisions, bandages or the downtime associated with surgery, so you don’t have to miss any holiday festivities.

Why would someone get KYBELLA?
According to a 2015 survey conducted by the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery (ASDS), 67% of people said they’re bothered by fullness under the chin or the appearance of a double chin. This occurs in men and women due to many factors, such as aging, weight gain and genetics. It is a stubborn area to treat naturally because often, no matter how much someone works out or changes their diet, the double chin remains.

After a full KYBELLA treatment, 79% of patients were satisfied with the appearance of their face and chin. These are great results to achieve without surgery, especially since the outcome is long lasting and recurrence is not expected. After treatment on 1,600 patients, most people reported feeling happier and younger with their new KYBELLA chin profile.
How does it work?
KYBELLA contains deoxycholic acid, which is a molecule that naturally occurs in the body. The natural function of this acid in the body is to help the body break down and absorb dietary fat.
 When used in the form of KYBELLA via injection into the fat beneath the chin, it destroys fat cells in the immediate area. Those cells will no longer be able to store or accumulate fat.
 As the fat seems to melt away, the bulge from double chin retreats.

What does a KYBELLA treatment involve?
A successful KYBELLA treatment will include multiple treatments. Most patients need 2 to 4 sessions. This will be determined by a personalized plan during your consultation. In each session, multiple injections will be strategically made under the chin area. Any temporary swelling or bruising can easily be covered by Jane Iredale mineral makeup and your pretty scarves and turtleneck sweaters typically worn this time of year. Thus, the reason Kybella treatments are so popular this time of year. It’s the perfect time to get them done and have your youthful, contoured chin for the Holidays.

If you’re ready to refine your chin… to feel less self conscious about your double chin…and more confident with a sleek profile, schedule your KYBELLA consultation with me at www.davinciplastic.com. Take advantage of the benefits of a cold weather wardrobe to refine your profile with KYBELLA, the non surgical way to love the contour of your neck and chin.

Steven Davison M.D.

Board Certified Plastic/Reconstructive Surgeon










Breathe Easier with Rhinoplasty

Do you have trouble breathing through your nose? One of the possible causes is a deviated septum. This can happen as a result of genetics or an impact caused by an accident or athletic event. A deviated septum makes breathing difficult because the bone and cartilage that is supposed to be down the center of the nose that divides the nasal cavity in half is crooked or drastically off center.

  • The best way to confirm a deviated septum is to see a specialist like myself. The following are common symptoms of a deviated septum:
  • nasal congestion on both sides or one side being more congested than the other
  • difficulty or loud breathing
  • repeated sinus infections or constant postnasal drip
  • aching in the head or face
  • issues with breathing during sleep, such as snoring or sleep apnea
  • nosebleeds

The specific surgical procedure to fix a deviated septum is called a Septorhinoplasty.

Septoplasty is often combined with Rhinoplasty, or nose job, to correct the external effects of the crooked insides. The combination of these two procedures is called a Septorhinoplasty. Rhinoplasty is one of the most common surgical procedures and in the hands of a skilled surgeon like myself, the results can help you breath easier from both physiological and aesthetic improvement. Anyone in good overall health is a candidate, although for children needing septoplasty, it is preferable to wait until after the nose has stopped growing around age 15.

Septoplasty: By working through the inside of the nose, a small incision is made in the septum. The breathing canals of the nostrils are evened out by removing the excess bone or cartilage. Soft gauze or internal splints stabilize the nose as it heals.
Rhinoplasty: This portion of the procedure corrects any cosmetic imbalances in the bridge or nostrils to improve the nose’s appearance and overall harmony of the face. This recontour of the nose improves functionality and appearance to give optimal performance and confidence.
Both are performed on an outpatient basis and using either intravenous sedation or general anesthesia, depending on the patient’s health conditions and preferences.
RECOVERY… Oral pain medication will help mitigate the discomfort from either surgery. Septoplasty recovery should be within a week. Rhinoplasty recovery from bruising, swelling, and incision healing is longer than Septoplasty alone. It’ll last about a week or two, although some people can return to work after 1 week. Either way it’s recommended to rest of the head elevated to help with swelling. Even after the initial Rhinoplasty recovery of about 2 weeks, patients should refrain from intense exercise and contact sports for at least 1 to 2 months. This makes it imperative for athletes to correct their deviated septum in the “off season.”
Whether you’re just having trouble breathing or would also like to improve the external appearance of your nose, we can discuss which surgery technique is best for you. Please visit www.davinciplastic.com to schedule a consultation.

Steven Davison M.D.

Board Certified Plastic/Reconstructive Surgeon













All About the Brow Lift

One of the more prominent areas of the face to show signs of aging is the forehead. This is why a Brow Lift, also known as a Forehead Lift, is a popular procedure among celebrities. It is even more in demand than breast implants in countries like Great Britain in recent years.
While the emphasis on a nice eyebrow and smooth forehead is increasing, I thought it’d be good to go over what can be expected from a brow lift…to help you decide whether you’d like to come in for a consult about what the procedure can do for you. If you feel that the signs of aging on your forehead and upper face make you look sad, tired, angry, or older than your age, you are likely a good candidate for a brow lift. Generally, the brow lift can:
• elevate the eyebrows to a more youthful position
• decrease forehead lines and crow’s feet
• dimish creases between eyebrows
• minimize upper eye lid hooding (although it is best to combine a brow lift with blepharoplasty, eyelid lift, to achieve optimal results in this area)
NOT ALL BROW LIFTS ARE ALIKE… As a board certified surgeon and expert in all surgeries of the head and neck, I understand the details of anatomy and the unique characteristics needed for individual faces. I perform a variety of brow lift techniques to offer the ideal results for each unique person’s forehead anatomy. Generally there are 4 main methods of brow lift, 3 surgical and 1 injectable:

1. Traditional Brow Lift
This approach is also called an open or coronal method. It involves an incision within the hairline or the coronal method is across the crown of the head. The coronal method can also shorten or lengthen the forehead so this is to be considered with the patient’s goals and within the existing forehead anatomy. The Traditional Brow Lift includes the removal of excess skin to raise the eyebrows to a more attractive position before closing the incisions with sutures. It also addresses the muscles that cause frown lines.

2. Endoscopic Brow Lift
This approach is considered a gentler approach with smaller incisions, but generally isn’t used for more severe cases of eyebrow decent. Instead of skin removal, it lifts the brow to a more youthful position using a fixation device, while also correcting the forehead creases that a traditional brow lift addresses. The incisions within the hairline are very small and the use of an endoscope, or a lighted scope, allows for a virtually undetectable scar and less recovery than an open Brow Lift.

3. Biplane Brow Lift
This technique combines the advantages of both the traditional and endoscopic brow lift techniques to achieve maximum results.

4. Injectable Brow Lift
Depending on the desired results, multiple types of injectables can be used to subtly improve the shape and position of the eye brows, as well as the forehead creases. This is a quick, non invasive option for subtle improvements and retraining of the muscles. Also, it is easy to refine and adjust results over time to achieve desired results in a natural progression that isn’t an obvious over night change.

With whichever technique is decided to be the best for your unique needs, you can rest assured you’re in the hands of an expert in who understands surgery, anatomy and the artistry of creating a beautiful forehead and brow. Visit www.davinciplastic.com to schedule a consultation.

Summer time is soon upon us…hot sunny days, beach days, family reunions, camping trips…lot’s of outdoor “sun exposure.” Don’t forget the sunscreen, plenty of water, sun glasses,hats, appropriate clothing and time out of the sun’s extreme ray’s. Hottest sun exposure occurs from 11:00 am – 4:00 pm. Have fun…but be smart about it!

Steven Davison M.D.
Board Certified Plastic/Reconstructive Surgeon

Anti Aging in the Middle…of the Face

Since I just finished writing about the Lower Face, I thought we’d work our way up to the Mid Face and review what we can do to rejuvenate the whole face by working on this often overlooked area. Most people start to notice gravity’s affects on their brows and upper eyelids, but the subtle effect of volume loss and sagging skin in the Mid Face or cheek area can have a ripple effect to simultaneously age the eyes and the lower part of the face.

EFFECTS OF AN AGING MID FACE… Bone loss and fat loss in the cheek area starts to become evident for most people in their 40s. This can show itself as a flattening of the cheeks. The drooping of the mid face can cause a hollowing look under the eyes as the smooth contour from lower eyelids to full elevated cheeks diminishes. The sagging skin also ends up causing nasolabial folds, marionette lines, and more prominent creases around the mouth.

OPTIONS FOR MID FACE REJUVENATION… Depending on what level of bone and fat loss you’re experiencing, the remedies can range from a non invasive to a varying degree of surgical options. During your consultation time, we will be able to determine your goals and which option(s) is best to accomplish them. Here’s an overview of the top options for correcting Mid Face aging:
1. Liquid Face Lift with the hyaluronic acid injectable Juvederm Voluma XC is a painless option that is great for milder cases of Mid Face aging and requires no downtime. This can effectively deliver improvement in cheek volume and youthful contour while minimizing the fine lines around the mouth, such as the nasolabial folds and marionette lines. Results would last about 8 to 12 months.

2. Midface Mini lift is a relatively minor surgery for moderate cases of Mid Face aging. It takes several years off your appearance by restoring youthful elevation and fullness to the cheeks, while smoothing folds and wrinkles in the Mid Face and deeper nasolabial folds. It doesn’t address the lower face issues like a full Face Lift would. Recovery time …to resume work and non strenuous daily activity is usually about a week after surgery.

3. Cheek Augmentation uses an implant to improve the overall look of your face to achieve those full, high cheek bones or it will restore the cheek contour of your youth. The filling and lifting effect in the cheeks will have a gentle pull on the sagging Mid Face skin to also soften or eliminate deep nasolabial folds. Recovery takes about a week, but the results of the beautiful contoured cheeks are permanent.

4. Face Lift is a comprehensive approach to the more severe effects of aging. Depending on the kind of Face Lift, it can address every area of the face from the forehead down to the neck. Face lifts correct fat and bone loss, and sagging skin and muscles to take 10 years off your appearance. You can see the blog series from February for more details on Face Lifts or… visit www.davinciplastic.com.

Stay Healthy!

Steven Davison M.D.
Board Certified Plastic/Reconstructive Surgeon

The Perfect Profile

Since I addressed the youthful contour of the neck the past two weeks, I thought we’d work our way up to the chin and the important role it plays in attaining the “perfect profile.” Generally speaking, our society appreciates different features in men and women, but an aesthetic profile… regardless of gender… is harmonious and balanced.

These profile characteristics are popular among Americans:
• Upper face: a forehead that isn’t entirely round, flat or elongated, and a browbone structure that isn’t overbearing
• Mid face: straight nose with some concavity to it, not too long, wide or bulbous
• Lower face: full lip projection, well defined chin, neck and jaw line

MAKING THE CASE FOR THE CHIN … It is the framework and support system for the entire face. Too weak or strong of a framework can distort the rest of the facial structure, throwing off the balance and proportion. For example, a chin that is too small or recessed can make the nose look too big, or on the other hand, a chin that is too prominent can draw too much attention and be unbalanced with the rest of the facial features.

BRINGING PROFILE BALANCE WITH THE CHIN…Usually the chin is a feature that men are known for, and is therefore attributed as a masculine focused feature. But the lack of a chin can even throw off the harmony in a feminine profile and can increase an aging appearance caused by that lack of definition between the face and neck.

HOW THE CHIN AGES…Most people first notice the signs of aging in the upper face, such as wrinkles on the forehead and around their eyes. But, even though they may be more subtle in some people, the signs of aging don’t skip over the lower face. With age, the chin begins to look different:
• sagging skin, volume loss from the mid face and upper jaw ends up hanging from the lower jaw
• fat and sagging skin accumulation under the chin
• bone loss in the chin and jaw

One solution for mild repair would be use of injectables to restore volume and contour to the chin area. Another option could be chin augmentation surgery.

CHIN IMPLANTS FOR RESTORING FACIAL BALANCE… This is one of the most popular options to restore facial balance and a youthful, natural appearance. Chin implants are a safe and effective surgical modification that can be tailored to your unique facial needs. It can also be combined with other surgeries, such as a Facelift, Eyelid Lift (Blepharoplasty) or Nose Reshaping.

CHIN IMPLANT SURGERY, SAFE AND QUICK… Of all the facial plastic surgeries, this is one of the fastest to perform, and for my patients, a quick recovery. Chin implants are made from a variety of materials and come in various shapes and sizes. This allows for custom tailoring in order to create your perfect profile!

For complete information about Chin Implants and your consultation, visit www.davinciplastic.com. Let’s talk about your perfect profile goals.

Steven Davison M.D.
Board Certified Plastic/Reconstructive Surgeon

Schedule Your Consultation With Dr. Davison

The initial consultation with your surgeon is critical! It should always be face to face with your surgeon during which time he/she listens closely to your concerns. Dr. Davison believes this time spent with you is critical to both you and to him. It is during the consultation that he comes to fully understand your concerns, evaluates them correctly and is then able to make the recommendations and develop the treatment plan thats right for you. Dr. Davison invests the time to sit down and talk to you face-to-face.

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